////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // - JS 스크립트 공통 합수 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var _cContentID = "ctl00_cphNWS_"; var _cContentID_MED = "ctl00_cphMED_"; /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : cross browsing * Description : Enter 키 막음 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ // cross browsing document.onkeypress = function(e){ if(typeof(e) != "undefined") { if (e.which == 13) { if(e.target.tagName.toUpperCase() != "TEXTAREA") e.preventDefault(); } } else { if (event.keyCode == 13) { if(event.srcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() != "TEXTAREA") event.returnValue = false; } } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : doEnterKey * Description : Enter 키 실행 처리 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function doEnterKey(pPostBackObjNm) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { try { __doPostBack(pPostBackObjNm, ""); } catch(e) {} } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : AllLayerClose * Description : 모든 열린 layer 닫음 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function AllLayerClose() { if(event.srcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() != "A" && event.srcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() != "IMG" && event.srcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() != "INPUT") { PopupClose("ball1"); //커뮤니티 팝업 닫음 PopupClose("dvSimpleLogIn"); //심플로긴 팝업 닫음 //PopupClose("repl_layer"); //조회(쓴편집노트 등) 팝업 닫음 //PopupClose("hist_layer"); //기사배치이력 팝업 닫음 } } //document.onclick = AllLayerClose; function PopupClose(pId) { var rId = document.getElementById(pId); if(rId != null) { if(rId.style.display == "block" || rId.style.display == "") { rId.style.display = "none"; } } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GetBrowserType * Description : 브라우저 알아내기 * Parameter : * Return : string *************************************************************************************************/ function GetBrowserType() { var strType; if(new RegExp(/Firefox/).test(navigator.userAgent)){ strType = "FF"; }else if(new RegExp(/Netscape/).test(navigator.userAgent)){ strType = "NS"; }else if(new RegExp(/MSIE/).test(navigator.userAgent)){ strType = "IE"; } return strType; } function GetBrowserType2() { var strType; if (new RegExp(/Firefox/).test(navigator.userAgent)) { strType = "FF"; } else if (new RegExp(/Netscape/).test(navigator.userAgent)) { strType = "NS"; } else if (new RegExp(/MSIE/).test(navigator.userAgent)) { strType = "IE"; } else if (new RegExp(/rv:11.0/).test(navigator.userAgent)) { strType = "IE"; } return strType; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GetObject * Description : .NET 에서 master 를 쓸때 페이지에서 해당 컨트롤의 Object 값을 가져올때. * Parameter : pObjNm - string 컨트롤명 * Return : Object *************************************************************************************************/ function GetObject(pObjNm) { //return eval("document.getElementById('" + _cContentID + pObjNm + "')"); if (document.getElementById(_cContentID + pObjNm)) return eval("document.getElementById('" + _cContentID + pObjNm + "')"); else return eval("document.getElementById('" + "cphNWS_" + pObjNm + "')"); } function GetObject(pObjNm, psMaster) { if (psMaster == "MED") { if (document.getElementById(_cContentID + pObjNm)) return eval("document.getElementById('" + _cContentID_MED + pObjNm + "')"); else return eval("document.getElementById('" + "cphMED_" + pObjNm + "')"); //return eval("document.getElementById('" + _cContentID_MED + pObjNm + "')"); } else { if (document.getElementById(_cContentID + pObjNm)) return eval("document.getElementById('" + _cContentID + pObjNm + "')"); else return eval("document.getElementById('" + "cphNWS_" + pObjNm + "')"); //return eval("document.getElementById('" + _cContentID + pObjNm + "')"); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GetObjectNm * Description : .NET 에서 master 를 쓸때 페이지에서 해당 컨트롤의 Name 값을 가져올때. * Parameter : pObjNm - string 컨트롤명 * Return : string 컨트롤 명 *************************************************************************************************/ function GetObjectNm(pObjNm) { return _cContentID + pObjNm; } function GetObjectNm(pObjNm, psMaster) { if(psMaster == "MED") return _cContentID_MED + pObjNm; else return _cContentID + pObjNm; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : XMLHTTPObject * Description : HTML로 작성된 파일 웹로그 처리 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function XMLHTTPObject() { var oReq = null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); //oReq.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { var ms_xml_http = new Array('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.7.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); for (var i = 0; i < ms_xml_http.length; i++) { try { oReq = new ActiveXObject(ms_xml_http[i]); break; } catch (e) { oReq = null; } } } return oReq; } function InsWebLog(pCUR_URL, pPRE_URL) { var xmlhttp = XMLHTTPObject(); var url = "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/WebLog_INS.aspx?CUR_URL=" + pCUR_URL + "&PRE_URL=" + pPRE_URL; xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true); // false일때 리턴값 반환 xmlhttp.send(null); //alert(xmlhttp.responseText); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : goView * Description : 구성요소 상세보기 이동 * Parameter : pURL : 이동 URL * pCNTN_CD : 컨텐츠코드 * pPAGE_CD : 면코드 * pBLCK_NO : 블럭번호 * pCMPT_CD : 구성요소코드 * pNEW_GB : 새창여부 * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function goView(pURL, pCNTN_CD, pPAGE_CD, pBLCK_NO, pCMPT_CD, pNEW_GB) { var cntnURL = pURL + "?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD + "&PAGE_CD=" + pPAGE_CD + "&BLCK_NO" + pBLCK_NO+ "&CMPT_CD" + pCMPT_CD; if (pNEW_GB == "T" || pCNTN_CD.substring(0, 1) == "B"|| pCNTN_CD.substring(0, 1) == "P") { window.open(cntnURL, "_WinView", "").focus(); } else location.href= cntnURL; } function goViewlink(pURL, pCNTN_CD, pPAGE_CD, pBLCK_NO, pCMPT_CD, pNEW_GB, objlink) { var strhref= pURL; if (pNEW_GB == "T" || pCNTN_CD.substring(0, 1) == "B"|| pCNTN_CD.substring(0, 1) == "P" || location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("ojs_adminweb") > 0) { objlink.target="_WinView"; } else { strhref= strhref.replace("http://www.ohmynews.com", ""); strhref= strhref.replace("https://ohmynews.org", ""); } strhref= strhref + "?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD; strhref += "&PAGE_CD=" + pPAGE_CD; strhref += "&BLCK_CD=" + pPAGE_CD; strhref += "&CMPT_CD=" + pCMPT_CD; objlink.href= strhref; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : showPopup * Description : 팝업으로 보여짐 * Parameter : e : event, id : 팝업으로 보여질 아이디 * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function showPopup(e, id) { var obj=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) var e = window.event; var posx=0; var posy=0; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { // pageX/Y 표준 검사 posx = e.pageX -20; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { //clientX/Y 표준 검사 Opera posx = e.clientX - 20; posy = e.clientY; if (window.event) { // IE 여부 검사 posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } obj.style.left = posx + "px"; obj.style.top = posy + "px"; obj.style.display='block'; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : hidePopup * Description : 팝업 숨김 * Parameter : id : 숨길 아이디 * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function hidePopup(id){ document.getElementById(id).style.display='none'; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : showPopupCommunity * Description : 커뮤니티 팝업 보여짐 * Parameter : pMEM_CD - 멤버CD * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function showPopupCommunity(e, id, pMEM_CD, pIsFriend, pPCE_CD) { var obj=document.getElementById(id); obj.setAttribute("memcd",pMEM_CD); obj.setAttribute("pcecd",pPCE_CD); if (pIsFriend) { var dvProposeFrd = document.getElementById("dvProposeFrd"); var dvGoodByeFrd = document.getElementById("dvGoodByeFrd"); if (pIsFriend == "Y") //친구사이 : 친구신청 숨김, 결별하기 보임 { dvProposeFrd.style.display = "none"; dvGoodByeFrd.style.display = "block"; } else if (pIsFriend == "W") //친구 대기자 : 친구신청,결별하기 모두 숨김. { dvProposeFrd.style.display = "none"; dvGoodByeFrd.style.display = "none"; } } if (!e) var e = window.event; var posx=0; var posy=0; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { // pageX/Y 표준 검사 posx = e.pageX -20; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { //clientX/Y 표준 검사 Opera posx = e.clientX - 20; posy = e.clientY; if (window.event) { // IE 여부 검사 posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } obj.style.left = posx + "px"; obj.style.top = posy + "px"; obj.style.display='block'; obj.style.zIndex = 300; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : hidePopupCommunity * Description : 커뮤니티 팝업 숨김 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function hidePopupCommunity(pID){ var dvID = (pID) ? pID : "ball1"; document.getElementById(dvID).style.display='none'; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : showPopupSummary * Description : 간략히 보기 보여짐 * Parameter : pCNTN_CD - 컨텐츠 코드 * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function showPopupSummary(e, id, pCNTN_CD){ var obj=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) var e = window.event; var posx=0; var posy=0; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { // pageX/Y 표준 검사 posx = e.pageX - 190; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { //clientX/Y 표준 검사 Opera posx = e.clientX - 190; posy = e.clientY; if (window.event) { // IE 여부 검사 posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } obj.style.left = posx + "px"; obj.style.top = posy + "px"; obj.style.display='block'; obj.style.zIndex = 200; var strReturn = ""; strReturn = NWSSummary.ShowSummary(pCNTN_CD); document.getElementById("tdSummary").innerText = strReturn.value; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : hidePopupSummary * Description : 간략히 보기 숨김 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function hidePopupSummary() { document.getElementById("summary").style.display='none'; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : setRecommendCnt * Description : 추천수 처리 * Parameter : pCNTN_CD - 컨텐츠 코드 * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function setRecommendCnt(pCNTN_CD) { var arrResults = ""; var strReturn = ""; var strMemCd = ""; strMemCd = NWSLogIn.GetMemberCd(); strReturn = NWSRecommend.ContentsRecommend(pCNTN_CD, strMemCd.value); arrResults = strReturn.value.split("|"); if (arrResults[0] == "0") // 성공적으로 추천 { if (arrResults[1] == "T") // 중복 추천일 경우 alert("해당 컨텐츠의 추천은 한번씩만 가능 합니다. "); else alert("추천 하였습니다. "); } else { alert("추천하기에 실패 하였습니다. "); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : setSimpleLogInLoc * Description : 간편로그인 팝업 위치 설정 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function setSimpleLogInLoc(e, id, pPositionType) { var obj=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) var e = window.event; var posx=0; var posy=0; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { // pageX/Y 표준 검사 posx = e.pageX - 20; posy = e.pageY + 10; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { //clientX/Y 표준 검사 Opera posx = e.clientX - 20; posy = e.clientY + 10; if (window.event) { // IE 여부 검사 posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } if (pPositionType == "T") posx = posx - 100; obj.style.left = posx + "px"; obj.style.top = posy + "px"; //obj.style.display='block'; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GoSimpLogIn * Description : 간편로그인 팝업 띄우기(로그인여부 체크 후) * Parameter : * Return : ************************************************************************************************/ var AFTER_SRC = ""; var AFTER_TYPE = ""; function GoSimpLogIn(ev,pAfterSrc,pAfterType, pPositionType, pBackground) { // alert("이꺼 사용~"); AFTER_SRC = pAfterSrc; AFTER_TYPE = pAfterType; if (getCookie("MemCd") == "-1" || getCookie("MemCd") == "") // 로그인 안됐을때 { var pGoUrl = location.href; if (pAfterSrc) { var pAfterSrc1 = pAfterSrc.toLowerCase(); if (pAfterSrc1.indexOf("article_write.aspx") > 0 || pAfterSrc1.indexOf("edit_write.aspx") > 0 || pAfterSrc1.indexOf("tv_input.aspx") > 0 || pAfterSrc1.indexOf("photo_input.aspx") > 0 || pAfterSrc1.indexOf("outpost_write.aspx") > 0) pGoUrl = pAfterSrc; } location.href= "https://member.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/Mem/mem_login.aspx?goUrl=" + escape(pGoUrl); } else // 로그인 되었을때 { if (pAfterSrc) { var pAfterSrc1 = pAfterSrc.toLowerCase(); if (pAfterSrc1.indexOf("article_write.aspx") > 0 || pAfterSrc1.indexOf("edit_write.aspx") > 0) location.href= pAfterSrc1; if(pAfterSrc1.indexOf("tv_input.aspx") > 0 || pAfterSrc1.indexOf("photo_input.aspx") > 0 ) location.href= pAfterSrc1; if(pAfterSrc1.indexOf("outpost_write.aspx") > 0) location.href= pAfterSrc1; if (pAfterSrc == "InsertProcess();" || pAfterSrc == "InsertAdsProcess();") GoLoginAfterLogIn(); } } } function CallBack_GoSimpLogIn(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } if (response.value) { GoLoginAfterLogIn(); } else if (!response.value) { // 포토, TV면일때 컨트롤 잠시 숨김 try { document.getElementById("sltSrch_GB").style.visibility = "hidden"; } catch (e) {} var dvSimpleLogIn = document.getElementById("dvSimpleLogIn"); dvSimpleLogIn.style.visibility = "visible"; try { var frm = ifrLogin.document.frmSimpleLogIn; frm.MEM_ID.focus(); } catch(e) { } } } function SetAfterLogIn(pAfterSrc,pAfterType) { var frm = document.frmSimpleLogIn; frm.AFTER_SRC.value = pAfterSrc; frm.AFTER_TYPE.value = pAfterType; } function GoAfterLogIn() { var frm = document.frmSimpleLogIn; if (frm.AFTER_TYPE.value == "url") goURL(frm.AFTER_SRC.value); else if (frm.AFTER_TYPE.value == "script") eval("parent." + frm.AFTER_SRC.value); } function GoLoginAfterLogIn() { if (AFTER_TYPE == "url") goURL(AFTER_SRC); else if (AFTER_TYPE == "script") eval(AFTER_SRC); } function hideSimpLogIn() { self.location.href= "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/LoginClose.htm"; // 포토, TV면일때 컨트롤 다시 살림 // try // { // document.getElementById("sltSrch_GB").style.visibility = "visible"; // } // catch (e) {} // // document.getElementById("dvSimpleLogIn").style.visibility = "hidden"; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GoLogIn * Description : 로그인 페이지로 이동(로그인여부 체크 후) * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ var _AfterSrc = null; var _AfterType = null; function GoLogIn(pAfterSrc,pAfterType) { _AfterSrc = pAfterSrc; _AfterType = pAfterType; NWSLogIn.IsMemberLogIn(CallBack_GoLogIn); } function CallBack_GoLogIn(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } if (response.value) { if (_AfterType == "url") goURL(_AfterSrc); else if (_AfterType == "script") eval(_AfterSrc); } else if (!response.value) { var sUrl = "https://member.ohmynews.com/NWS/Mem/mem_login.aspx"; var sGoUrl = ""; if (_AfterType == "url" && _AfterSrc != null) sGoUrl = _AfterSrc; if (sGoUrl == "") sGoUrl = location.href; sUrl += "?gourl=" + escape(sGoUrl); goURL(sUrl); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Login Y/N * Description : 로그인 여부 확인(메인면, 서브면과 같은 HTML 화면에서..) * Parameter : * Return : ************************************************************************************************/ function SetLoginYN() { NWSLogIn.IsMemberLogIn(CallBack_SetLoginYN); } function CallBack_SetLoginYN(response) { var bLoginYN = false; if (response.error != null) { bLoginYN = false; } bLoginYN = response.value; if (bLoginYN) { var aLogIn = document.getElementById("aLogIn"); aLogIn.innerHTML = "로그아웃"; var aMember = document.getElementById("ctl00_aMember"); aMember.innerHTML = "정보수정"; aMember.href= "/NWS_Web/Mem/Mem_Upd_Check.aspx"; //document.getElementById("divFlash").style.display = ""; GetMain_MemCd(); } } function getCookie(Name) { var search = Name + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search); if (offset != -1){ offset += search.length; end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)); } return offset; } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Get MEM_CD * Description : 로그인 여부 확인(메인면, 서브면과 같은 HTML 화면에서..) * Parameter : * Return : ************************************************************************************************/ function GetMain_MemCd() { NWSLogIn.GetMemberCd(CallBack_GetMain_MemCd); } function CallBack_GetMain_MemCd(response) { var strMEM_CD = ""; strMEM_CD = response.value; if (strMEM_CD != "") { var u = "/NWS_Web/Flash/i-service/i-service.swf"; var w = "388"; var h = "34"; var id = "swf_tag"; var md = "transparent"; var lc = "true"; var fv = "pathDat=/NWS_Web/Flash/i-service/iservice.aspx?s_code=" + strMEM_CD; var sc = ""; var strHTML = ""; strHTML += '\n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += '\n'; try { document.getElementById("divFlash").innerHTML = strHTML; document.getElementById("divFlash").style.display = ""; } catch (e) {} } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Get MEM_CD * Description : 로그인 여부 확인(메인면, 서브면과 같은 HTML 화면에서..) * Parameter : * Return : ************************************************************************************************/ function GetSSLMemCd() { NWSLogIn.GetMemberCd(CallBack_GetSSLMemCd); } function CallBack_GetSSLMemCd(response) { var strMEM_CD = ""; strMEM_CD = response.value; if (strMEM_CD != "") { var u = "/NWS_Web/Flash/i-service/i-service.swf"; var w = "388"; var h = "34"; var id = "swf_tag"; var md = "transparent"; var lc = "true"; var fv = "pathDat=/NWS_Web/Flash/i-service/iservice.aspx?s_code=" + strMEM_CD; var sc = ""; var strHTML = ""; strHTML += '\n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += ' \n'; strHTML += '\n'; try { parent.document.getElementById("divFlash").innerHTML = strHTML; parent.document.getElementById("divFlash").style.display = ""; } catch(e) {} } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : goURL * Description : 페이지 이동 * Parameter : pURL : 이동 URL * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function goURL(pURL) { parent.location.href= pURL; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : goTagNetwork * Description : 태그 페이지 이동 * Parameter : pTAG_NM : 태그명 * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function goTagNetwork(pTAG_NM) { window.location.href= "/NWS_Web/Flash/Tag/index.aspx?type=1&str=" + escape(pTAG_NM); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Trim * Description : 공백 제거 함수로 스페이스바로 입력 한 공백을 제거한다.. * Parameter : pStr - string 확인할 내용 * Return : string 공백을 제거한 내용 *************************************************************************************************/ function Trim(pStr) { while (pStr.search(/^\s/) != -1) pStr = pStr.replace(/^\s/,""); while (pStr.search(/\s$/) != -1) pStr = pStr.replace(/\s$/,""); return pStr; } /******************************************************************* * Procedure : IsNumeric * Description : 소수점 없는 숫자인지 체크. * Parameter : pStr - string 확인할 내용 * Return : true/false *******************************************************************/ function IsNumeric(pStr){ for(var i=0; i= 48 && uniCode <= 57)) return false; } return true; } /******************************************************************* * Procedure : chkNumKeyPress * Description : Keypress Event Only Number * Example : 57)) event.returnValue = false; } //소수점 허용 function chkNumPointKeyPress() { if ((event.keyCode!=46) && (event.keyCode<48) || (event.keyCode>57)) event.returnValue = false; } /******************************************************************* * Procedure : IsNumeric * Description : 숫자(소수점 포함)인지 체크. * Parameter : pStr - string 확인할 내용 * Return : true/false *******************************************************************/ function IsDecimal(pStr){ for(var i=0; i= 48 && uniCode <= 57) || uniCode==46)) return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckRequired * Description : 필수항목 체크..입력이 안되었을 경우 메시지 Alert 후 해당 컨트롤에 포커스 이동 * Parameter : pObjID - string 컨트롤ID * pMsg - string 메시지 * Return : true/false *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckRequired(pObjID, pMsg) { if (document.getElementById(pObjID)) { if (Trim(document.getElementById(pObjID).value) == "") { alert(pMsg + " "); try { document.getElementById(pObjID).focus(); } catch (E) { } return false; } } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckRequired * Description : 필수항목 체크..입력이 안되었을 경우 메시지 Alert 후 해당 컨트롤에 포커스 이동 * Parameter : pObjID - string 컨트롤ID * pMsg - string 메시지 * Return : true/false *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckRequired2(pObjID, pMsg) { if ($("[id*='" + pObjID + "']").length) { if (Trim($("[id*='" + pObjID + "']").val()) == "") { alert(pMsg + " "); try { $("[id*='" + pObjID + "']").val().focus(); } catch (E) { } return false; } } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckMaxLength * Description : 필수항목 체크..입력이 안되었을 경우 메시지 Alert 후 해당 컨트롤에 포커스 이동 * Parameter : pObjID - string 컨트롤ID * pMsg - string 메시지 * Return : true/false *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckMaxLength(pObjID, pMaxLength, pMsg) { if (GetByteSize(document.getElementById(pObjID).value) > pMaxLength) { alert(pMsg + " "); try { document.getElementById(pObjID).focus(); } catch (E) {} return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckMaxLength2 * Description : 필수항목 체크..입력이 안되었을 경우 메시지 Alert 후 해당 컨트롤에 포커스 이동 * Parameter : pObjID - string 컨트롤ID * pMsg - string 메시지 * Return : true/false *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckMaxLength2(pObjID, pMaxLength, pMsg) { if (document.getElementById(pObjID).value.length > pMaxLength) { alert(pMsg + " "); try { document.getElementById(pObjID).focus(); } catch (E) {} return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckMaxLength2 * Description : 필수항목 체크..입력이 안되었을 경우 메시지 Alert 후 해당 컨트롤에 포커스 이동 * Parameter : pObjID - string 컨트롤ID * pMsg - string 메시지 * Return : true/false *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckMaxLength3(pObjID, pMaxLength, pMsg) { if ($("[id*='" + pObjID + "']").val().length > pMaxLength) { alert(pMsg + " "); try { $("[id*='" + pObjID + "']").focus(); } catch (E) { } return false; } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckMaxLengthAll * Description : input,textarea 항목의 입력 길이 체크. * maxlength 속성이 지정된 경우에만 체크가능함. * (※textarea는 코드비하인드에서 속성을 추가한다. (예) txtADM_NOTE.Attributes.Add("maxlength", "4000"); * Parameter : pObjID - string 컨트롤ID * pMsg - string 메시지 * Return : true/false *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckMaxLengthAll() { /* 입력 길이 체크 */ var controls = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); var i=0; for (i=0; i intMaxLen) { alert(intMaxLen + " Byte" + MSG_5013_6); controls[i].focus(); controls[i].select(); return false; } } } } controls = document.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA"); for (i=0; i intMaxLen) { alert(intMaxLen + " Byte" + MSG_5013_6); controls[i].focus(); controls[i].select(); return false; } } } return true; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GetByteSize * Description : Byte Size 를 구한다. * Parameter : pStr - string 확인할 내용 * Return : int Byte Size *************************************************************************************************/ function GetByteSize(pStr) { var intNo, intByteSize; intByteSize = 0; for (intNo = 0; intNo < pStr.length; intNo++) { if ((pStr.charCodeAt(intNo) < 0) || (pStr.charCodeAt(intNo) > 127)) intByteSize = intByteSize + 2; else intByteSize++; } return intByteSize; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Modal * Description : Modal 로 뛰운다.. * Parameter : pUrl - string URL * : pWidth - int Width * : pHeight - int Height * Return : boolean *************************************************************************************************/ function Modal(pUrl, pWidth, pHeight) { var strReturnValue = showModalDialog(pUrl, null, 'scroll:0;help:0;status:0;dialogWidth:'+ pWidth + 'px;dialogHeight:' + pHeight + 'px' ); return strReturnValue; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Modal * Description : Modal 로 뛰운다.. * Parameter : pUrl - string URL * : pWidth - int Width * : pHeight - int Height * Return : boolean *************************************************************************************************/ function Modal(pUrl, pWidth, pHeight, pFeature) { var strReturnValue = ""; if(pFeature != null && pFeature != "") strReturnValue = showModalDialog(pUrl, null, pFeature + 'dialogWidth:'+ pWidth + 'px;dialogHeight:' + pHeight + 'px' ); else strReturnValue = showModalDialog(pUrl, null, 'scroll:0;help:0;status:0;dialogWidth:'+ pWidth + 'px;dialogHeight:' + pHeight + 'px' ); return strReturnValue; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Open * Description : Popup 로 뛰운다.. * Parameter : pUrl - string URL * : pWidth - int Width * : pHeight - int Height * : pTop - int Top * : pLeft - int Left * Return : void *************************************************************************************************/ function WinOpen(pUrl, pWidth, pHeight, pTop, pLeft) { window.open(pUrl, "","toobar=no,direction=no,status=yes,menubar=no,resizeable=yes,scrollbars=no,width=" + pWidth + ",height=" + pHeight + ",top=" + pTop + ",left=" + pLeft + ""); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : WinOpen * Description : Popup 로 뛰운다.. (스크롤여부,Resize여부 지정) * Parameter : pUrl - string URL * : pWidth - int Width * : pHeight - int Height * : pWinName - string window name * : pScroll - string 스크롤여부(yes,no) * : pResize - string Resize여부(yes,no) * Return : void *************************************************************************************************/ function WinOpen(pUrl, pWidth, pHeight, pWinName,pScroll,pResize) { var nLeft = screen.width/2 - pWidth/2 ; var nTop = screen.height/2 - pHeight/2 ; var scl = "no"; if ( pScroll == 'yes' ) scl = pScroll; if ( pUrl.indexOf("article_goodfee_write") > -1) scl = "yes"; var opt = ",toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=" + scl + ",status=yes"; if (pResize) opt += ",resizable=" + pResize; var oNewWindow = window.open(pUrl, pWinName, "left=" + nLeft + ",top=" + nTop + ",width=" + pWidth + ",height=" + pHeight + opt ); //return oNewWindow; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CheckFileExt * Description : 파일 확장자 체크 * Parameter : pFileName - 파일명(풀 Path 포함 가능) * pAllowExt - 허용 확장자 명, 배열 처리(Array("gif", "jpg", ...)) * Return : boolean *************************************************************************************************/ function CheckFileExt(pFileName, pAllowExt) { var booAllow = false; var strExt = pFileName.substring(pFileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); var strAllowExt = ""; for (var i = 0; i < pAllowExt.length; i++) { strAllowExt += "*." + pAllowExt[i] + ","; if (pAllowExt[i].toLowerCase() == strExt.toLowerCase()) { booAllow = true; break; } } if (!booAllow) alert(MSG_2019.replace("Ext", strAllowExt.substring(0, strAllowExt.lastIndexOf(","))) + " "); return booAllow; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ExceptionFile * Description : 파일 확장자 체크 * Parameter : pFileName - 파일명(풀 Path 포함 가능) * Return : boolean *************************************************************************************************/ function ExceptionFile(pFileName) { var strExt = pFileName.substring(pFileName.lastIndexOf(".")); strExt = strExt.toLowerCase(); switch(strExt) { case ".asp": case ".aspx": case ".exe": case ".bat": case ".php": case ".sqp": case ".html": case ".ashx": case ".js": case ".vbs": case ".dll": case ".com": case ".css": case ".cer": case ".htm": case ".asa": return false; break; } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : replaceAll * Description : Replace All * Parameter : pValue * pSource * pTarget * Return : string *************************************************************************************************/ function replaceAll(pValue, pSearch, pReplace) { var intLimit = 0; while (pValue.indexOf(pSearch) != -1 || intLimit > 10000) { pValue = pValue.replace(pSearch, pReplace); intLimit++; } return pValue; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Calendar * Description : Calendar * Parameter : pValue * pSource * pTarget * Return : Calendar(this, this.value) *************************************************************************************************/ function Calendar(Object, strCurrentDate) { strUrl = "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/Calendar.aspx"; strFeatures = "dialogWidth:340px; dialogHeight:380px; dialogTop:200px; dialogLeft:400px; help:no; status:no "; strDate = window.showModalDialog(strUrl, strCurrentDate, strFeatures); if (strDate != "") Object.value = strDate; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Calendar2 * Description : 닷넷에서 지원하는 달력을 사용하여 공통 모듈로 만듦 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function Calendar2(Object, strCurrentDate, e) { if (!document.getElementById("dvCalendar")) { if (!e) var e = window.event; var posx = 0; var posy = 0; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { // pageX/Y 표준 검사 posx = e.pageX - 20; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { //clientX/Y 표준 검사 Opera posx = e.clientX - 20; posy = e.clientY; if (window.event) { // IE 여부 검사 posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } var pID = Object.attributes.getNamedItem('id').value; var strHtml = ""; var pDiv = document.createElement("div"); pDiv.id = "dvCalendar"; pDiv.style.position = "absolute"; pDiv.style.top = posy + "px"; pDiv.style.left = posx + "px"; pDiv.innerHTML = strHtml; document.body.appendChild(pDiv); } } function Calendar3(Object, strCurrentDate) { if (GetBrowserType() == "IE") { var pWidth = "260px"; var pHeight = "260px"; } else { var pWidth = "270px"; var pHeight = "230px"; } strUrl = "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/jQuery_Calendar.aspx?curDate=" + strCurrentDate; strFeatures = "dialogWidth:" + pWidth + "; dialogHeight:" + pHeight + "; dialogTop:200px; dialogLeft:400px; help:no; status:no; scroll:no;"; strDate = window.showModalDialog(strUrl, strCurrentDate, strFeatures); if (strDate) Object.value = strDate; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : DownFindTagObj * Description : 테이블내 특정 태그 ID 가져오기 -> DownFindTagObj(document.getElementByID("tblList").rows(0).cells(0), "INPUT") 형태로 사용 * Parameter : eventObj * TagName * Return : string *************************************************************************************************/ function DownFindTagObj(eventObj,TagName) { if(eventObj.tagName.toUpperCase() == TagName.toUpperCase()) return eventObj; var cnt = 0; var childs = eventObj.children; var rChild = null; if(childs.length == null || childs.length == undefined) return rChild; for(var cnt = 0 ; cnt < childs.length ; cnt++) { if(childs[cnt].tagName.toUpperCase() == TagName.toUpperCase()) { rChild = childs[cnt]; break; } else { var returnValue = fn_DownFindTagObj(childs[cnt],TagName); if(returnValue != null) { rChild = returnValue; break; } } } return rChild; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ChangePageNo * Description : 검색결과 페이징시 선택한 페이지번호 저장 * Parameter : ObjectName : 페이지 번호 저장할 컨트롤 명 * PageNo : 선택한 페이지 번호 * Return : void *************************************************************************************************/ function ChangePageNo(ObjectName, PageNo) { document.getElementById(ObjectName).value = PageNo; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : AllSettingCheckBoxInDataGrid * Description : DataGrid 에서 헤더의 체크박스를 체크하면 전체가 선택또는 비선택 됨 * Parameter : sConID : DataGrid 의 고유 id state : 헤더의 체크박스 체크 상태값 * sCheckBoxID : 체크박스ID (옵션) * Return : void *************************************************************************************************/ function AllSettingCheckBoxInDataGrid(sConID,state,sCheckBoxID) { var inputs = document.getElementById(sConID).getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length ; i++) { if (inputs[i].type == "checkbox") { var oCheckBox = null; if (sCheckBoxID) if (inputs[i].id == sCheckBoxID) oCheckBox = inputs[i]; else oCheckBox = inputs[i]; if( oCheckBox != null && oCheckBox.disabled == false) oCheckBox.checked = state; } } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SearchZipNo * Description : 우편번호 검색창 호출 * Parameter : none * Return : void *************************************************************************************************/ function SearchZipNo(pArg) { //var sUrl = "/NWS_Web/Member/popup/post_search.aspx"; //var sUrl = "/NWS_Web/Mem/Mem_post_search.aspx"; var sUrl = "/NWS_Web/Mem/Mem_post.aspx"; var sArg = "null"; if (pArg) sArg = pArg; sUrl += "?ARG=" + pArg; //WinOpen(sUrl,430,220,'wZipNo','yes','no'); WinOpen(sUrl,500,540,'wZipNo','yes','no'); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CitizenNo_Validation * DateTime : 2004-10-09 * Description : CitizenNo_Validation * Parameter : *************************************************************************************************/ function CitizenNo_Validation(pCitizenNo) { var intCheckNum, booReturn, intNum, strObjectName; var strCitizenNo = pCitizenNo.replace("-",""); var strCitizenNo1, strCitizenNo2; if (strCitizenNo.length != 13) { alert(MSG_5013_5); return false; } strCitizenNo1 = strCitizenNo.substring(0,6); strCitizenNo2 = strCitizenNo.substring(6,13); intCheckNum = 0; for(intNum = 0; intNum <= 5; intNum++){ intCheckNum = intCheckNum + ((intNum%8+2) * parseInt(strCitizenNo1.substring(intNum, intNum+1))) } for(intNum = 6; intNum <= 11; intNum++){ intCheckNum = intCheckNum + ((intNum%8+2) * parseInt(strCitizenNo2.substring(intNum-6, intNum-5))) } intCheckNum = 11 - (intCheckNum %11) intCheckNum = intCheckNum % 10 if (intCheckNum != parseInt(strCitizenNo2.substring(6,7))){ booReturn = false; } else{ booReturn = true; } if(booReturn == false){ alert(MSG_5013_5); } return booReturn; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Date_Validation * DateTime : * Description : 유효한 날짜형식(ex : 2004-06-06)인지 체크한다. (-)대시를 붙여서 파라미터로 넘긴다. * Parameter : *************************************************************************************************/ function Date_Validation(str) { if( str.length == 10 ) { var vDate = new Date(); vDate.setFullYear(str.substring(0, 4)); vDate.setMonth(str.substring(5, 7)-1); vDate.setDate(str.substring(8)); if(vDate.getFullYear() != str.substring(0, 4) || vDate.getMonth() != (str.substring(5, 7) - 1) || vDate.getDate() != str.substring(8)) { return false; } return true; } else return false; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : BlogWinOpen * Description : 블로그 팝업창 * Parameter : none * Return : void *************************************************************************************************/ function BlogWinOpen(pBlogUrl) { window.open(pBlogUrl, "blog", "scrollbars, menubar, resizable, status, toolbar, location, width=900, height=600"); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SendMemoWinOpen * Description : 쪽지보내기 팝업창 * Parameter : pMEM_CD(회원코드), pCNTN_CD(컨텐츠코드), pPCE_CD(회신대상 쪽지번호) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function SendMemoWinOpen(pMEM_CD,pCNTN_CD,pPCE_CD) { //alert(pMEM_CD + ":" + pCNTN_CD + ":" + pPCE_CD); var sUrl = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/iRoom/memo/memo_send.aspx"; if (pMEM_CD && pMEM_CD != null) sUrl += "?MEMCD=" + pMEM_CD; if (pCNTN_CD && pCNTN_CD != null) { if (sUrl.indexOf("?") > -1) sUrl += "&"; else sUrl += "?"; sUrl += "CNTNCD=" + pCNTN_CD; } if (pPCE_CD && pPCE_CD != null) { if (sUrl.indexOf("?") > -1) sUrl += "&"; else sUrl += "?"; sUrl += "PCECD=" + pPCE_CD; } WinOpen(sUrl,600,400,'wSendMemo','no','no'); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityFriendPropose * Description : 친구신청 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityFriendPropose(id,pMEM_CD) { if(!confirm(MSG_8001)) return void(0); var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD != null && pMEM_FRD_CD != "") NWSCommunity.CommProposeFriend(pMEM_FRD_CD,CallBack_FriendPropose); else alert(MSG_5050); } function CallBack_FriendPropose(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } alert(eval(response.value)); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityFriendGoodBye * Description : 친구결별 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityFriendGoodBye(id,pMEM_CD) { var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD == null || pMEM_FRD_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5050); return; } NWSCommunity.CommGoodByeFriend(pMEM_FRD_CD,CallBack_FriendGoodBye); } function CallBack_FriendGoodBye(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } alert(eval(response.value)); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityProfile * Description : 프로필 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityProfile(id,pMEM_CD) { var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD == null || pMEM_FRD_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5059); return; } var strUrl = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/I_Room/profile/profile.aspx?MEMCD=" + pMEM_FRD_CD + "&goUrl=" + escape(document.URL); location.href= strUrl; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunitySendMemo * Description : 쪽지보내기 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunitySendMemo(id,pMEM_CD) { //if (!confirm(MSG_5063)) return; var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; var pPCE_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); pPCE_CD = obj.getAttribute("pcecd"); } //alert(pMEM_FRD_CD + ":" + pPCE_CD); //if (pMEM_FRD_CD == "00297928") //{ // alert(pMEM_FRD_CD); //} SendMemoWinOpen(pMEM_FRD_CD, "", pPCE_CD); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityReportRead * Description : 구독하기 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityReportRead(id, pMEM_CD, pCNTN_CD) { var obj; var CNTN_CD; var MEM_CD; if (pMEM_CD) { MEM_CD = pMEM_CD; CNTN_CD = pCNTN_CD; } else { obj=document.getElementById(id); CNTN_CD = obj.getAttribute("ctl00_cphNWS_Wuc_opioion_list01_1_hdnCntnCd"); MEM_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (MEM_CD == null || MEM_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5059); return; } WinOpen("https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/Common/rss_popup.aspx?MEMCD=" + MEM_CD + "&CNTNCD=" + CNTN_CD + "", 500, 225, 100, 100); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityImprint * Description : 발자국 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityImprint(id,pMEM_CD) { var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD == null || pMEM_FRD_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5059); return; } var strUrl = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/I_Room/Imprint/Imprint_Index.aspx?MEMCD=" + pMEM_FRD_CD + "&goUrl=" + escape(document.URL); location.href= strUrl; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityWriteArticle * Description : 쓴기사 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityWriteArticle(id,pMEM_CD) { var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD == null || pMEM_FRD_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5059); return; } NWSCommunity.CheckMemberType(pMEM_FRD_CD,CallBack_WriteArticle); } function CallBack_WriteArticle(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } var arrMemInfo = response.value; if (arrMemInfo[0] == "3") { var strUrl = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/I_Room/Imprint/Article/Writed_Article_List.aspx?MEMCD=" + arrMemInfo[1] + "&goUrl=" + escape(document.URL); location.href= strUrl; } else { alert(MSG_5055); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityWriteEdit * Description : 쓴편집노트 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityWriteEdit(id,pMEM_CD) { var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD == null || pMEM_FRD_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5059); return; } var strUrl = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/I_Room/Imprint/Edited/Writed_Edited_List.aspx?MEMCD=" + pMEM_FRD_CD + "&goUrl=" + escape(document.URL); location.href= strUrl; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : CommunityWriteOpinion * Description : 쓴독자의견 * Parameter : id(커뮤니티팝업레이어 ID), pMEM_CD(회원코드 : 커뮤니티 팝업 사용하지 않을 때) * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function CommunityWriteOpinion(id,pMEM_CD) { var obj; var pMEM_FRD_CD; if (pMEM_CD) pMEM_FRD_CD = pMEM_CD; else { obj=document.getElementById(id); pMEM_FRD_CD = obj.getAttribute("memcd"); } if (pMEM_FRD_CD == null || pMEM_FRD_CD == "") { alert(MSG_5059); return; } var strUrl = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/I_Room/Imprint/Opinion/Writed_Opinion_List.aspx?MEMCD=" + pMEM_FRD_CD + "&goUrl=" + escape(document.URL); location.href= strUrl; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ArticleMobileWinOpen * Description : 기사 휴대폰 전송 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function ArticleMobileWinOpen(cntn_cd) { window.open("http://www.m-kok.com/w2p/mkok.jsp?mcode=10201&cate=&nid=" + cntn_cd,"mobile","width=900,height=730"); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ArticleEmailWinOpen * Description : 기사 이메일 전송 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function ArticleEmailWinOpen(cntnCd) { window.open("/NWS_Web/Articleview/article_email.aspx?cntn_cd=" + cntnCd, "email", "width=600, height=700"); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ArticlePrintWinOpen * Description : 기사 프린트 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function ArticlePrintWinOpen(cntnCd) { //window.open("/NWS_Web/Articleview/article_print.aspx?cntn_cd=" + cntnCd, "print", "width=700, height=607,scrollbars=yes,top=50,left=150 "); window.open("/NWS_Web/Articleview/article_print.aspx?cntn_cd=" + cntnCd); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ArticleBlogWinOpen * Description : 기사 블로그 담기 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function ArticleBlogWinOpen(cntnCd, Page_Gb) { window.open("/NWS_Web/Articleview/article_blogscrap.aspx?cntn_cd=" + cntnCd + "&PAGE_GB=" + Page_Gb, "blog", "width=600, height=320"); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ArticleStraightWinOpen * Description : 글자 +, - 하기 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function ArticleTextViewWinOpen(cntnCd) { window.open("/NWS_Web/Articleview/article_textview.aspx?cntn_cd=" + cntnCd, "TextView", "width=700, height=607,scrollbars=yes,top=50,left=150 "); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : ArticleStraightWinOpen * Description : 글자 +, - 하기 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function ArticleStraightWinOpen(cntnCd) { window.open("/NWS_Web/Articleview/article_straight.aspx?cntn_cd=" + cntnCd, "straight", "width=600, height=520"); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SedUrlWinOpen * Description : 편집노트 출처 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function SedUrlWinOpen(url) { try{ _trk_clickTrace( "RFO", url ); 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document.write(" "); document.write(" "); document.write(" "); document.write(" "); document.write(""); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : __ws__ * Description : 광고용 플래쉬에서 사용 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function __ws__(id) { document.write(id.text); id.id=''; } /************************************************************************************************ * function vscroller(s_id, s_width, s_height, s_itemheight, s_scrollitem, s_swap, s_delay, s_darray) * s_id : 임의의 스크롤 ID 값 * s_width : 화면에서 차지하는 width * s_height : 화면에서 차지하는 height * s_itemheight : 한 항목이 차지하는 height * s_scrollitem : 한 번에 스크롤되는 항목 수 * s_swap : 스크롤 과정 없이 한 번에 항목 교체 (false, true) * s_delay : delay 값 * s_darray : 표출 항목들의 array variable *************************************************************************************************/ var vArg = new Array(); 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vRolling = false; } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : LogImageNews * Description : 이미지 뉴스 웹로그 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function LogImageNews(obj) { eval("try{ _trk_clickTrace('EVT', obj.href ); }catch(_e){ }"); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Write_JingGae * Description : 징계 : 게시판쓰기, 댓글쓰기, 편집노트쓰기, 기사쓰기, 사진동영상 제한 * Parameter : 회원 pMEM_CD, 징계 유형 pJING_TYP 1:게시판쓰기, 2:댓글쓰기, 3:편집노트, 4:기사쓰기, 5:사진동영상, 9:스패머 * Return : ************************************************************************************************/ function Write_JingGae1(pMEM_CD, pJING_TYP) { var CheckJing = NWSCheckJoin.Write_JingGae(pMEM_CD, pJING_TYP); if(CheckJing.value != "") { if (CheckJing.value == "1") { alert("준회원 정책이 폐지되어 서비스 이용이 제한 됩니다.\n일반 회원으로 전환 가입하세요."); location.href= 'https://member.ohmynews.com/NWS_Web/Mem/Mem_Choice.aspx'; return false; } var year = CheckJing.value.substring(2,4) + '년 '; var month = CheckJing.value.substring(5,7) + '월 '; var day = CheckJing.value.substring(8,10) + '일'; switch(pJING_TYP) { case "1": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 게시판 쓰기가 가능합니다"); return false; break; case "2": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 댓글 쓰기가 가능합니다"); return false; break; case "3": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 편집노트 쓰기가 가능합니다"); return false; break; case "4": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 기사 쓰기가 가능합니다"); return false; break; case "5": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 사진,동영상 올리기가 가능합니다"); return false; break; case "6": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 찬성이 가능합니다"); return false; break; case "7": alert("징계중입니다." + year + month + day + "부터 반대가 가능합니다"); return false; break; } } // 스패머 CheckJing = NWSCheckJoin.Write_JingGae(pMEM_CD, '9'); if(CheckJing.value != "") { alert("등록이 제한되었습니다."); return false; } // 30초 시간체크 switch(pJING_TYP) { case "6": case "7": break; default: CheckJing = NWSCheckWords.PostTimeCheck(pMEM_CD); if (CheckJing.value != "") { alert("등록이 제한되었습니다."); return false; } break; } return true; } function CallBack_Write_JingGae(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } if (response.value) { alert(response.value); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Check_Words * Description : 금칙어 * Parameter : * Return : ************************************************************************************************/ function Check_Words(pContents) { // 금칙어 CheckJing = NWSCheckWords.CheckWord(pContents); if(CheckJing.value != "") { alert("금칙어로 인해 입력이 제한됩니다."); return false; } return true; } function CallBack_Check_Words(response) { if (response.error != null) { alert(response.error); return false; } if (response.value) { alert(response.value); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : js_search_to_object * Description : js, htm 파일의 쿠리스트링 가져오기 * Parameter : str : 검색할 쿼리스트링 value * Return : obj * 사용법 예제 : obj['abcd'] abcd --> 검색할 쿼리스트링 ************************************************************************************************/ function js_search_to_object(str){ if(str){ var t = str.substr(0,1) if(t=='?' ||t=='&') var qy = str.substr(1); else var qy = str; }else{ var qy = document.location.search.substr(1); } var obj = new Object(); var t = qy.split('&'); var tt = Array(); for(var i=0,m=t.length;i2){ tt[1] = (tt.slice(1)).join('='); } else if(tt.length==2){} else if(tt.length==1){} if(/[^\[]*\[[^\]]*\]$/.test(tt[0])){ var tn = tt[0].match(/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]$/); var tk = tn[1];tv = tn[2]; if(tv==''){ //a[]=x 형식 처리 if(obj[tk]==null){obj[tk]= new Array();} obj[tk].push(decodeURI(tt[1])); }else{ //a[x]=y 형 처리 if(obj[tk]==null){obj[tk]= new Object();} obj[tk][tv] = decodeURI(tt[1]); } }else{ if(tt[0].length>1) obj[tt[0]] = tt[1]; } } return obj; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : showPopupEHelp * Description : E도움말 보기 보여짐 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function showPopupEHelp(e, id, pPosition){ var obj=document.getElementById(id); if (!e) var e = window.event; var posx=0; var posy=0; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { // pageX/Y 표준 검사 posx = e.pageX; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { //clientX/Y 표준 검사 Opera posx = e.clientX; posy = e.clientY; if (window.event) { // IE 여부 검사 posx += document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy += document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } if (pPosition == "right") { posx = posx - 400; } obj.style.left = posx + "px"; obj.style.top = posy + "px"; obj.style.display='block'; obj.style.zIndex = 200; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : hidePopupEHelp * Description : 간략히 보기 숨김 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function hidePopupEHelp(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.display='none'; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : getElementsByClassName * Description : 해당하는 태그, 클래스 객체를 모두 찾아 리턴한다. (IE, Firefox 모두 에서 ellips 적용에 필요한 function) * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function getElementsByClassName(strClassName, strTagName, oElm){ var arrElements = (strTagName == "*" && document.all)? document.all : oElm.getElementsByTagName(strTagName); var arrReturnElements = new Array(); strClassName = strClassName.replace(/\-/g, "\\-"); var oRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + strClassName + "(\\s|$)"); var oElement; for(var i=0; i'; document.getElementById(flashcopier).innerHTML = divinfo; window.alert("주소가 복사되었습니다"); } } function encodeforFlash(str) { var SAFECHARS = "0123456789" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "-_.!~*'()"; var HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF"; var plaintext = str; var encoded = ""; for (var i = 0; i < plaintext.length; i++ ) { var ch = plaintext.charAt(i); if (ch == " ") { encoded += "+"; } else if (SAFECHARS.indexOf(ch) != -1) { encoded += ch; } else { var charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0); if (charCode > 255) { encoded += ch; } else { encoded += "%"; encoded += HEX.charAt((charCode >> 4) & 0xF); encoded += HEX.charAt(charCode & 0xF); } } } return encoded; }; var gClientID = ""; function blogTrackBack(loginid, obj, stdTrack, clientID) { gClientID = clientID; if(obj.checked) { if (document.getElementById(gClientID + "_stdTrack")) document.getElementById(gClientID + "_stdTrack").value = stdTrack; // if (document.getElementById("ctl00_cphNWS_Wuc_opioion_list01_1_stdTrack")) // document.getElementById("ctl00_cphNWS_Wuc_opioion_list01_1_stdTrack").value = stdTrack; // // if (document.getElementById("ctl00_cphNWS_wuc_opioion_open01_1_stdTrack")) // document.getElementById("ctl00_cphNWS_wuc_opioion_open01_1_stdTrack").value = stdTrack; // // if (document.getElementById("ctl00_cphMED_Wuc_opioion_open03_1_stdTrack")) // document.getElementById("ctl00_cphMED_Wuc_opioion_open03_1_stdTrack").value = stdTrack; document.domain = "ohmynews.com"; window.open("/nws_web/blog/blog_trackback.aspx?at_cd=" + stdTrack, "","toobar=no,direction=no,status=yes,menubar=no,resizeable=yes,scrollbars=no,width=430,height=230"); 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} /******************************************************************** * Function : target(tar) * Description : 새창 본창 여부 * Argument : * Return : * 작성자 : 김재훈 *********************************************************************/ function tagtting(tar, pNewGB) { // 관리자 일경우 새창으로 if(location.href.indexOf("ojsadm.ohmynews.com") > 0 || location.href.indexOf("OJS_AdminWeb") > 0) { tar.target = '_blank'; } // 새창 여부 if (pNewGB == 'T') { tar.target = '_blank'; } // 블로그 일경우 새창 var idxBlog = tar.href.toUpperCase().indexOf("CNTN_CD="); idxBlog = idxBlog + 8; var cntnGB = tar.href.substring(idxBlog,idxBlog + 1); if (cntnGB == "B") tar.target = '_blank'; } /******************************************************************** * Function : cut(str, len) * Description : 글자를 앞에서부터 원하는 바이트만큼 잘라 리턴합니다. 한글의 경우 2바이트로 계산하며, 글자 중간에서 잘리지 않습니다. * Argument : str : 글 , len : 자르는 길이 * Return : * 작성자 : 최용민 *********************************************************************/ function cut(str, len) { var l = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { l += (str.charCodeAt(i) > 128) ? 2 : 1; if (l > len) return str.substring(0, i); } return str; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Write_JingGae * Description : 징계 : 게시판쓰기, 댓글쓰기, 편집노트쓰기, 기사쓰기, 사진동영상 제한 * Parameter : 회원 pMEM_CD, 징계 유형 pJING_TYP 1:게시판쓰기, 2:댓글쓰기, 3:편집노트, 4:기사쓰기, 5:사진동영상, 9:스패머 * Return : true, false ************************************************************************************************/ function CheckRule(pJING_TYP, pContents) { var pMsg = ""; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommonChkMember.aspx", data: "jingtyp=" + pJING_TYP + "&contents=" + escape(pContents), success: function(msg) { if (msg != "") { alert(msg); } else { } }, error: function(error) { alert("입력실패 했습니다."); } }); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SNS(type, title, longurl) * Description : SNS 서비스(페이스북,트위터,미투데이,요즘) * Parameter : type: 서비스종류 title : 컨텐츠내용 logurl : 컨텐츠 URL * Return : * 작성자 : 김재훈 ************************************************************************************************/ function SNS(type, title, longurl, pSummary, pThumbnail) { switch (type) { case 'me2day': if (location.href.indexOf('OhmyStar') > -1) title = escape(title); var tag = '오마이뉴스'; var link = 'http://me2day.net/posts/new?new_post[body]="' + title + '":' + encodeURIComponent(longurl) + '&new_post[tags]=' + encodeURIComponent(tag); popwin = window.open(link, 'popwin', 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes'); if (popwin) popwin.focus(); break; case 'twitter': if (location.href.indexOf('OhmyStar') > -1) title = escape(title); var link = '/NWS_Web/View/at_pg_tw.aspx?titl=' + title + '&cncd=' + encodeURIComponent(longurl); //popwin = window.open(link,'popwin'); popwin = window.open(link, 'popwin', 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes'); if (popwin) popwin.focus(); break; case 'yozzm': if (location.href.indexOf('OhmyStar') > -1) title = escape(title); var link = 'http://yozm.daum.net/api/popup/prePost?sourceid=41&link=' + encodeURIComponent(longurl) + '&prefix=' + title; popwin = window.open(link, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); if (popwin) popwin.focus(); break; case 'facebook': var link = 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=' + encodeURIComponent(longurl) + "&t=" + encodeURIComponent(title); popwin = window.open(link, 'recom_icon_pop', 'width=600,height=500,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); if (popwin) popwin.focus(); break; case 'gongam': var link = ''; if (title == 'Article') link = '/NWS_Web/View/at_pg_tw.aspx?sns=gongam&cncd=' + longurl; else link = 'http://csp.cyworld.com/bi/bi_recommend_pop.php?url=' + encodeURIComponent(longurl) + "&title=" + title + "&thumbnail=" + pThumbnail + "&summary=" + encodeURIComponent(pSummary); popwin = window.open(link, 'recom_icon_pop', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); if (popwin) popwin.focus(); break; default: break; } return; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SnsShare_Count(type, cntncd) * Description : 페북, 트위터 공유 카운트 저장 * Parameter : type: 서비스종류 pCNTN_CD: 컨텐츠 코드 * Return : * 작성자 : 최용민 ************************************************************************************************/ function SnsShare_Count(pCNTN_CD) { if (pCNTN_CD.substr(0, 1) == "A") { $.ajax({ url: "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommAjaxFunction.aspx", type: "POST", data: ({ std : 'articleinfo', CNTN_CD : pCNTN_CD }) }); /* var pStr = $.ajax({ url: "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommAjaxFunction.aspx", async: false, type: "POST", data: ({ std : 'articleinfo', CNTN_CD : pCNTN_CD }) }).responseText; */ } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : GA_Share(pURL) * Description : SNS 공유 구글 애널리틱스 리포트 * Parameter : * Return : * 작성자 : 박준규 * 2023.07.18 GA_Share 함수 {UA 서비스종료에 따른 사용중지} :: 양영섭 ************************************************************************************************/ //function GA_Share(type, pURL) { // // //구글 애널리틱스 처리 // var socialTarget; // if (IsMobile()) // socialTarget = "m.ohmynews.com"; // else // socialTarget = "www.ohmynews.com"; // // (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ // (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), // m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) https:// })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ohmyanalytics'); https:// https:// ohmyanalytics('create', 'UA-73278334-8', 'auto', 'GA_Share'); https:// https:// switch (type.replace("ten", "")) { https:// case 'twitter': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'twitter', 'share', socialTarget, {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'facebook': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'facebook', 'share', socialTarget, {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'kakao': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'kakao', 'share', socialTarget, {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'kas': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'kas', 'share', socialTarget, {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'google': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'google', 'share', socialTarget, {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'band': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'band', 'share', 'www.ohmynews.com', {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'band_mobile': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'band', 'share', 'm.ohmynews.com', {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'line': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'line', 'share', 'www.ohmynews.com', {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// case 'line_mobile': https:// ohmyanalytics('GA_Share.send', 'social', 'line', 'share', 'm.ohmynews.com', {'page': pURL}); https:// break; https:// default: https:// break; https:// } https://} /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SNS(type, cntncd) * Description : SNS 서비스(페이스북,트위터,미투데이,요즘) * Parameter : type: 서비스종류 cntncd: 컨텐츠 코드 * Return : * 작성자 : 최용민 ************************************************************************************************/ function SnsShare(type, cntncd, pTitl, pThumbNail, pURL, pDESC) { https:// GA_Share(type, pURL); :: 2023.07.18 구글애널리틱스-UA 트래킹 중지 var pUrl = "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommSNS.aspx?SNS=" + type + "&CNTN_CD=" + cntncd + "&TITL=" + pTitl + "&THUMBNAIL=" + pThumbNail + "&URL=" + pURL + "&DESC=" + pDESC; var popwin; switch (type.replace("ten", "")) { case 'twitter': SnsShare_Count(cntncd); https:// 공유카운트 저장 var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent.indexOf('ohmyapp') > -1) location.href= pUrl; else popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes'); break; case 'facebook': case 'facebook_newsphoto': SnsShare_Count(cntncd); https:// 공유카운트 저장 var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent.indexOf('ohmyapp') > -1) location.href= pUrl; else popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=600,height=500,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'kakao': var pMsg = $("meta[property='og:title']").attr("content"); kakao.link("talk").send({ msg: pMsg, url: pURL, appid: "www.ohmynews.com", appver: "2.0", appname: "오마이뉴스", type: "link" }); break; case 'kas': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'google': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'band': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'band_mobile': var titl = ""; var url = ""; if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "A") { titl = $("meta[property='og:title']:eq(0)").attr("content"); if ($("#dvShareTitl").length > 0) titl = $("#dvShareTitl").html(); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; } else if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "M") { titl = $("meta[property='og:title']:eq(0)").attr("content"); if ($("#dvShareTitl").length > 0) titl = $("#dvShareTitl").html(); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/mov_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; } else if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "I") { titl = $("meta[property='og:title']:eq(0)").attr("content"); if ($("#dvShareTitl").length > 0) titl = $("#dvShareTitl").html(); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/img_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; } else { titl = pTitl; url = pURL; } if ($(".cssClip").length && $(".cssClip").attr("data-clipboard-text").length) url = $(".cssClip").attr("data-clipboard-text"); else if ($("#txtShortUrl").length && $("#txtShortUrl").html() != "" && $("#txtShortUrl").html() != "undefined") url = $("#txtShortUrl").html(); var o = { method: 'web2app', param: 'create/post?text=' + titl + ' ' + url, a_store: 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id542613198?mt=8', a_proto: 'bandapp://', g_store: 'market://details?id=com.nhn.android.band', g_proto: 'scheme=bandapp;package=com.nhn.android.band' }; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) { // Android setTimeout(function() { location.href= 'intent://' + o.param + '#Intent;' + o.g_proto + ';end' }, 100); } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/i)) { // Apple if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "I") { setTimeout(function() { parent.location.href= o.a_proto + o.param }, 100); setTimeout(function() { parent.location.href= o.a_store; }, 200); } else { setTimeout(function() { location.href= o.a_proto + o.param }, 100); setTimeout(function() { location.href= o.a_store; }, 200); } } else { alert('이 기능은 모바일에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.'); } break; case 'line': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'line_mobile': var titl= ""; var url = ""; if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "A") { titl= $("#mtTitl").attr('content'); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; }else{ titl= pTitl; url = pURL; } var o = { method:'web2app', param:'msg/text/'+ titl + '\r\n' + url, a_store:'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id542613198?mt=8', g_store:'market://details?id=jp.naver.line.android', a_proto:'line://', g_proto:'scheme=line;package=jp.naver.line.android' }; if(navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) { // Android setTimeout(function(){ location.href= 'intent://' + o.param + '#Intent;' + o.g_proto + ';end'}, 100); } else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/i)) { // Apple setTimeout(function(){ location.href= o.a_store; }, 200); setTimeout(function(){ location.href= o.a_proto + o.param }, 100); } else { alert('이 기능은 모바일에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.'); } break; default: break; } if (popwin) popwin.focus(); return; } // SNS(페이스북) 카운트 업데이트 function SetFbCount(pCNTN_CD) { } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SnsShare2(type, cntncd, pTitl, pThumbNail, pURL, pDESC) * Description : SNS 서비스(페이스북,트위터,미투데이,요즘) * Parameter : type: 서비스종류 cntncd: 컨텐츠 코드 * Return : * 작성자 : 박준규 ************************************************************************************************/ function SnsShare2(type, cntncd, pTitl, pThumbNail, pURL, pDESC) { var pUrl = "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommSNS.aspx?SNS=" + type + "&CNTN_CD=" + cntncd + "&TITL=" + escape(pTitl) + "&THUMBNAIL=" + escape(pThumbNail) + "&URL=" + escape(pURL) + "&DESC=" + escape(pDESC); var popwin; switch (type) { case 'me2day': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes'); break; case 'twitter': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes'); break; case 'yozzm': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'facebook': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=600,height=500,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'gongam': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; default: break; } if (popwin) popwin.focus(); return; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : SnsShare3(type, cntncd, pTitl, pThumbNail, pURL, pDESC, pRefCd) * Description : 시리즈/논쟁용 - 기존 SnsShare() 와 같고 pRefCd 에 AT_CD 전달 * (cntncd 에 ETC 로 받으면 pURL 은 유지하고 공유카운트 업데이트와 태그정보 등 이용) * Parameter : type: 서비스종류 cntncd: 컨텐츠 코드(ETC), .... pRefCd: AT_CD * Return : * 작성자 : 유우종 ************************************************************************************************/ function SnsShare3(type, cntncd, pTitl, pThumbNail, pURL, pDESC, pRefCd) { // GA_Share(type, pURL); :: 2023.07.18 구글애널리틱스-UA 트래킹 중지 var pUrl = "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommSNS.aspx?SNS=" + type + "&CNTN_CD=" + cntncd + "&TITL=" + pTitl + "&THUMBNAIL=" + pThumbNail + "&URL=" + pURL + "&DESC=" + pDESC + "&REF_CD=" + pRefCd; var popwin; if (pRefCd == "") { pRefCd = "ETC"; } //alert(pUrl); switch (type.replace("ten", "")) { case 'twitter': SnsShare_Count(pRefCd); // 공유카운트 저장 var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent.indexOf('ohmyapp') > -1) location.href= pUrl; else popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,status=yes,resizable=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes'); break; case 'facebook': case 'facebook_newsphoto': SnsShare_Count(pRefCd); https:// 공유카운트 저장 var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (userAgent.indexOf('ohmyapp') > -1) location.href= pUrl; else popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=600,height=500,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'kakao': var pMsg = $("meta[property='og:title']").attr("content"); kakao.link("talk").send({ msg: pMsg, url: pURL, appid: "www.ohmynews.com", appver: "2.0", appname: "오마이뉴스", type: "link" }); break; case 'kas': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'google': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'band': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'band_mobile': var titl = ""; var url = ""; if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "A") { titl = $("meta[property='og:title']:eq(0)").attr("content"); if ($("#dvShareTitl").length > 0) titl = $("#dvShareTitl").html(); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; } else if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "M") { titl = $("meta[property='og:title']:eq(0)").attr("content"); if ($("#dvShareTitl").length > 0) titl = $("#dvShareTitl").html(); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/mov_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; } else if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "I") { titl = $("meta[property='og:title']:eq(0)").attr("content"); if ($("#dvShareTitl").length > 0) titl = $("#dvShareTitl").html(); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/img_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; } else { titl = pTitl; url = pURL; } if ($(".cssClip").length && $(".cssClip").attr("data-clipboard-text").length) url = $(".cssClip").attr("data-clipboard-text"); else if ($("#txtShortUrl").length && $("#txtShortUrl").html() != "" && $("#txtShortUrl").html() != "undefined") url = $("#txtShortUrl").html(); var o = { method: 'web2app', param: 'create/post?text=' + titl + ' ' + url, a_store: 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id542613198?mt=8', a_proto: 'bandapp://', g_store: 'market://details?id=com.nhn.android.band', g_proto: 'scheme=bandapp;package=com.nhn.android.band' }; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) { // Android setTimeout(function() { location.href= 'intent://' + o.param + '#Intent;' + o.g_proto + ';end' }, 100); } else if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/i)) { // Apple if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "I") { setTimeout(function() { parent.location.href= o.a_proto + o.param }, 100); setTimeout(function() { parent.location.href= o.a_store; }, 200); } else { setTimeout(function() { location.href= o.a_proto + o.param }, 100); setTimeout(function() { location.href= o.a_store; }, 200); } } else { alert('이 기능은 모바일에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.'); } break; case 'line': popwin = window.open(pUrl, 'popwin', 'width=400,height=364,scrollbars=no,resizable=no'); break; case 'line_mobile': var titl= ""; var url = ""; if (cntncd.substr(0, 1) == "A") { titl= $("#mtTitl").attr('content'); url = 'https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=' + cntncd; }else{ titl= pTitl; url = pURL; } var o = { method:'web2app', param:'msg/text/'+ titl + '\r\n' + url, a_store:'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id542613198?mt=8', g_store:'market://details?id=jp.naver.line.android', a_proto:'line://', g_proto:'scheme=line;package=jp.naver.line.android' }; if(navigator.userAgent.match(/android/i)) { // Android setTimeout(function(){ location.href= 'intent://' + o.param + '#Intent;' + o.g_proto + ';end'}, 100); } else if(navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/i)) { // Apple setTimeout(function(){ location.href= o.a_store; }, 200); setTimeout(function(){ location.href= o.a_proto + o.param }, 100); } else { alert('이 기능은 모바일에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.'); } break; default: break; } if (popwin) popwin.focus(); return; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : confirmMovie_Mobile(pIsFree) * Description : 모바일에서 영상 보기 할때... * Parameter : pIsFree: 유료 무료 * Return : * 작성자 : 최용민 ************************************************************************************************/ // 영상보기 경고 메세지 function confirmMovie_Mobile(pIsFree, pMOV_CD) { if (pIsFree != "F") { if (!goLoginPage()) return false; } var pStr = $.ajax({ url: "/NWS_Web/OhmyTV/tvinfoa_mobile.aspx", async: false, type: "POST", data: ({ MOV_CD: pMOV_CD }) }).responseText; if (pStr != 'FAIL') { if (confirm('3G로 접속할 경우 과도한 데이터패킷이 발생할 수 있습니다.')) { window.open(pStr); } } else { if (pIsFree != "F") alert('유료영상 콘텐츠입니다.'); else alert('플레이에 실패 하였습니다.'); } } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : confirmMovie_Mobile(pIsFree, pMOV_CD, pDivice) * Description : 모바일 특강 인증 * Parameter : pIsFree: 유료 무료, pMOV_CD: 영상코드, pDivice: 기기 * Return : * 작성자 : 이기종 ************************************************************************************************/ // 영상보기 경고 메세지 function confirmMovie_Mobile2(pIsFree, pMOV_CD, pDivice) { if (pIsFree != "F") { if(pDivice == "Mobile") { if (!goLoginPageMobile()) return false; 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"); } } else { switch (pCNTN_CD.substr(0, 1)) { case 'M': case 'I': alert("이미 추천 하셨습니다."); break; default : alert(eval(pStr)); break; } } } // 축약주소 알아내기 ajax 사용 function GetShortUrl(pCNTN_CD, pSTD) { var pCT_GB = pCNTN_CD.substr(0, 1) var pURL = ""; switch (pCT_GB) { case "A": if (pSTD == "24") pURL = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/OhmyStar/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD; else pURL = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD; break; case "I": if (pSTD == "24") pURL = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/OhmyStar/img_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD; else pURL = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/img_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD; break; case "M": pURL = "https://ohmynews.org/NWS_Web/View/mov_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD=" + pCNTN_CD; break; } var pStr = $.ajax({ url: "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommSNS.aspx", async: false, type: "POST", data: ({ ajaxurl: pURL, CNTN_CD: pCNTN_CD }) }).responseText; pStr = $.trim(pStr); return pStr; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Layer_Popup * Description : 레이어 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function Layer_Popup(pID, pUrl, pWidth, pHeight, pScroll) { var pLayerHtml = ""; pLayerHtml += ""; pLayerHtml += ""; $('body').append(pLayerHtml); $('#dvPopContent').append("") if (pID != "") { $('#dvPopContent').append($('#' + pID).html()); } if (pUrl != "") { $('#dvPopContent').append(""); } var pDocHeight = $(document).height(); $('#dvPopUp').css('height', pDocHeight + 'px'); $('#dvBg').css('height', pDocHeight + 'px'); // 팝업 열기 $('#dvPopUp, #dvPopContent').fadeIn(); centerScreen($('#dvPopContent')); // 팝업닫기 $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { LayerPopup_Hide(); } }); $('#imgClose').click(function() { LayerPopup_Hide(); }); $("#dvPopContent").on({ "mouseover": function() { // $(this).draggable({ cursor: "move" }); // $(this).css("cursor", "move"); } }); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Layer_Popup2 * Description : 레이어 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function Layer_Popup2(pID, pUrl, pWidth, pHeight, pScroll) { var pLayerHtml = ""; pLayerHtml += ""; pLayerHtml += ""; $('body').append(pLayerHtml); //$('#dvPopContent').append("") if (pID != "") { $('#dvPopContent').append($('#' + pID).html()); } if (pUrl != "") { $('#dvPopContent').append(""); } var pDocHeight = $(document).height(); $('#dvPopUp').css('height', pDocHeight + 'px'); $('#dvBg').css('height', pDocHeight + 'px'); // 팝업 열기 $('#dvPopUp, #dvPopContent').fadeIn(); centerScreen($('#dvPopContent')); // 팝업닫기 $(document).keydown(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { LayerPopup_Hide(); } }); $('#imgClose').click(function() { LayerPopup_Hide(); }); $("#dvPopContent").on({ "mouseover": function() { // $(this).draggable({ cursor: "move" }); // $(this).css("cursor", "move"); } }); } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Layer_Popup_Loading * Description : 레이어 팝업 * Parameter : * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function Layer_Popup_Loading() { $('body').ajaxStart(function() { var pLayerHtml = "
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return false; } return true; } // 1,000단위 마다 콤마(,) 추가하기 function setComma(pStr) { var reg = /(^[+-]?\d+)(\d{3})/; pStr += ''; while (reg.test(pStr)) pStr = pStr.replace(reg, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); return pStr; } //금액 콤마 삭제 function delComma(n) { return parseInt(n.replace(/,/g, "")); } // 모바일 페이지 여부 확인 function IsMobile() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if ( /iphone/.test(ua) || /android/.test(ua) || /opera/.test(ua) || /bada/.test(ua) || /mobile/.test(ua) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } //** IsIOSHiddn() function IsIOSHiddn() { return; var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (ua.match(/(iphone)|(ipod)|(ipad)/i) && ua.indexOf("ohmyapp") > -1 || ua.match(/(android)/i) && ua.indexOf("ohmyapp") > -1) { //ios, android pLocation = location.href.toLowerCase(); if (pLocation.indexOf("mobile/ten/tenman_ins") > -1 || pLocation.indexOf("mobile/pay_ini/tenman_ins_tpr") > -1 ) { location.href="/NWS_Web/Mobile/Ten/index.aspx"; } https://mobilemaster2016 $(".btn_give, .payment > .give, .clubbt_box, .payment_box, .btn_money, .button_left > .btn_money").hide(); $("#tenman_li_support").hide(); //mem_login.aspx $(".social-login-container").hide(); //pay_ini/10mainin.aspx $("#dvDin").hide(); $("#dvMin").show(); $("#autoPay").attr("href","javascript:;"); //ten/10manin.aspx $("#yearPay").attr("href","javascript:;"); $(".itbtn.money").hide(); } } // 기사스크랩 function CntnScrap(pCNTN_CD, pGB) { if (goLoginPage(location.href)) { var pStr = $.ajax({ url: "/NWS_Web/Common/Pages/CommAjaxFunction.aspx", async: false, type: "POST", data: ({ std: "scrap", CNTN_CD: pCNTN_CD, gb: pGB }) }).responseText; if (pStr == "1") alert("이미 스크랩 되었습니다."); if (pGB == "add") { $(".cssAScrap").attr("href", "javascript:CntnScrap('" + pCNTN_CD + "', 'delete');"); $(".scrap_off").addClass("scrap"); $(".scrap_off").removeClass("scrap_off"); if (confirm("기사를 스크랩했습니다. \n스크랩 페이지로 이동 하시겠습니까?")) { if (IsMobile()) location.href= "/NWS_Web/Mobile/scrap.aspx"; else location.href= "/NWS_Web/i_room/Closed/scrap.aspx"; } var pObj = $(".arc-btns-wrap").find("button[onclick*='CntnScrap(']"); 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} else if (pStr == "false") return false; } /************************************************************************************************ * Procedure : Set_Slide * Description : 슬라이드 기본형 * Parameter : pSlideID, pNaviClassName, pTitleID, pJnrstID * Return : *************************************************************************************************/ function Set_Slide(pSlideID, pNaviClassName, pTitleID, pJnrstID, pIsRandom, LRShow) { var pIdx = 0; if (pIsRandom == true) pIdx = Math.floor(Math.random() * $("." + pNaviClassName).length); if (LRShow == null || LRShow == "") { LRShow = "1"; } var options = { $StartIndex: pIdx, $ArrowNavigatorOptions: { //[Optional] Options to specify and enable arrow navigator or not $Class: $JssorArrowNavigator$, //[Requried] Class to create arrow navigator instance $ChanceToShow: LRShow //0: nerver, 1:mouse over, 2:always } }; var jssor_slider1 = new $JssorSlider$(pSlideID, options); var pCNTN_CD = $("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + pIdx + ")").find("img").attr("imgcd"); 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$("#" + pTitleID).html($("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + slideIndex + ")").find("img").attr("alt")); $("#" + pJnrstID).html($("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + slideIndex + ")").find("img").attr("jnrst")); pCNTN_CD = $("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + slideIndex + ")").find("img").attr("imgcd"); pJNRST_CD = $("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + slideIndex + ")").find("img").attr("jnrstcd"); pURL = $("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + slideIndex + ")").find("img").attr("viewurl"); if (pCNTN_CD) { if (pTitleID == "aMovBoxTitle") { $(".playbtn").attr("onclick", "PlayMovie('" + $("." + pNaviClassName + ":eq(" + pIdx + ")").find("img").attr("imgcd") + "')"); $("#" + pTitleID).attr("href", pURL); if (pURL.indexOf('onair.aspx') > -1) $("#" + pTitleID).attr("target", "_blank"); else $("#" + pTitleID).removeAttr("target"); $("#" + pJnrstID).attr("href", "/NWS_Web/I_Room/Open/Open_Profile.aspx?MEM_CD=" + pJNRST_CD + "&CMPT_CD=M0116"); } if (pTitleID == "aPhBoxTitle") { $("#" + pTitleID).attr("href", pURL); 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$("#list_recm" + pCNTNCD).attr("class","btn-like_off"); $("#list_recm" + pCNTNCD).attr("onclick","javascript:Set_RECM('T', '" + pCNTNCD + "');"); $(".recm_btn").removeClass("on"); $(".recm_btn").attr("onclick", "javascript:Set_RECM('T', '" + pCNTNCD + "');"); // GNB 2019 $("#topGNB_RECM").removeClass("on"); $("#topGNB_RECM").attr("onclick", "javascript:Set_RECM('T', '" + pCNTNCD + "');"); if (pObj.length) { pObj.removeClass("on"); var pONCLICK_TXT = pObj.attr("onclick"); pONCLICK_TXT = pONCLICK_TXT.replace("'F'", "'T'"); pObj.attr("onclick", pONCLICK_TXT); } }else{ $("#top_recm").html("추천"+arrStr[1]); $("#bottom_recm").attr("class","btn-like_on"); $("#top_recm, #bottom_recm").attr("onclick","javascript:Set_RECM('F', '" + pCNTNCD + "');"); $(".cssSCCnt, .cssSCdt").removeClass("good_off").addClass("good_on"); $("#list_recm" + pCNTNCD).attr("class","btn-like_on"); $("#list_recm" + pCNTNCD).attr("onclick","javascript:Set_RECM('F', '" + pCNTNCD + "');"); $(".recm_btn").addClass("on"); $(".recm_btn").attr("onclick", "javascript:Set_RECM('F', '" + pCNTNCD + "');"); 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